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DE Clues

You have found the Clues for It's Just a Game . . . can you find the boxes?!?!
As an overview these boxes are planted in both Kent and Sussex Counties, see the MAP Pages in the above Navigation Bar.  I have tried to cluster clues for economies of gas and travel time.  Pick your clusters according to your point of origin and time available. 
It is not intended that anyone get all the boxes before Oct 8.
The Complete Clues are now posted here.  In time they will also be on LB.org and AQ in maybe some other format - so you can log your finds (attempts?)
Keep in  mind there are also bonus boxes associated with MonyLoop and the clues may be here, in other boxes, or at the gather pavillion.
It is strongly recommended that you have a Delaware Map (DeLorme is what I used) or GPS (which I don't have).  I also used www.mappoint.msn.com for plotting some directions.  Keep in mind that Sussex County only started assigning names to their roads in the 1990s, but the old road numbers still exist, and can usually be verified on STOP signs, where a very small white metal plate below the big STOP indicates the intersecting road numbers.  This may be helpful with some clues.
Bring along a camera in case someone stops to ask what you are doing.  Tell them, you are on a scavanger hunt [look at the map] and you are trying to locate your next destination.  If they ask what you are scavanging for, tell them, "nothing", all we have to take is a picture of the destination.
hmmmmm, actually that's not a bad idea for a noxer gather!  
NOTE: 1 Pace = L+R    5 Steps = L,R,L,R,L
My pedometer was set at 24" = 1 step; however, circling to find a box location or hiking in the heat may have impacted any hiking distances I have identified.
Now CLICK on the NAVIGATION ITEMS ABOVE to see what's what.
The following stamps were sent in as temporary and will be pulled:
Iguana Grill "Dining Around"  (PULLED Oct 13)
Breakwater Lighthouse (PULLED Oct 13)
one of the Cross County Boxes at Abbott's Pond (late Oct 2006)
Puzzle Fun (MIA)
Any boxes reported to me as not properly rehidden or location risky - are also subject to retrieval after the games.
All exCLUsion Restaurant Boxes are being pulled Oct 13 and may be replanted at KPSP next Spring.
Questions??? Contact o_de_games@yahoo.com
No Later Than noon - October 4th